Frameworks and Layouts

  • Replace UI_starting.R with UI_fluid_page.R in the app.R.

  • Run the app

  • Pretty ugly, right? Now try replacing tagList with fluidPage


A fluid page layout consists of rows which in turn contain columns

  • Rows ensure that items appear on the same line as long as the browser is wide enough (hence the fluid)

  • Columns define how much horizontal space elements should occupy. Horizontal space is defined by a 12-unit wide grid

  • Adds some Bootstrap styling (framework for designing websites–developed by Twitter)

fluidRow() and column()

Changing tagList to fluidPage didn’t do much

Let’s add some fluidRows() and column() functions to create this:

The solution is in UI_language_soln.R

fluidPage() is responsive

  • Try adjusting the size of your browser window.

  • The text adjusts so that it all fits within a single window–no need to scroll left and right!

Other Layouts

Check out the Shiny cheatsheet to see other types of layouts

  • tabsetPanel() + tabPanel()

  • sidebarLayout() + sidebarPanel()/mainPanel()

  • splitLayout()

  • wellPanel()

  • navbarPage()

  • navlistPanel()
