Deep Learning

Deep learning is a branch of artificial intelligence, where programs use multiple layers of neural networks to transform a set of input values to output values.


Each “node” in the neural network performs a set of computations.

The weights, $𝑤_𝑖$, and the bias, $b$, are not known. Each node will have its own set of unknown values. During training, the “best” set of weights are determined that will generate a value close to $y$ for the collection of inputs $𝑥_𝑖$.

Network of Neurons

Multi-layer Perceptron
  • Different computations with different weights can be performed to produce different outputs.
  • This is called a feedforward network – all values progress from the input to the output.
  • A neural network has a single hidden layer
  • A network with two or more hidden layers is called a “deep neural network”.

Deep Learning Neural Network

Multilayer Perceptron/ Fully Connected NN; Image borrowed from:

DL Algorithm

During the training or “fitting” process, the Deep Learning algorithm is fed a set of measurements/features and the expected outcome (e.g., a label or classification). 

The algorithm determines the best weights and biases for the data.

How Does the Machine Learn?

  • Start with a random guess for the weights and biases.
    • The output values or “predicted” values of the network can be compared with the expected results/categories/labels.
  • Another function, called a “loss” or “cost” function can be used to determine the overall error of the model.
    • That error can be used to work backwards through the network and tweak the weights/biases.
      • This step is called backward propagation.

Overview of the Learning Process

Deep Neural Network

An example of a Deep Neural Network (DNN)

DNN Examples

  • Feed-Forward NN
    • Consist of an input layer, an output layer and many hidden layers that are fully connected, and can be used to build speech-recognition, image-recognition, and machine-translation software.
  • Recurrent NN
    • RNNs are commonly used for image captioning, time-series analysis, natural-language processing, machine translation, etc.
  • Convolution NN
    • Consist of multiple layers and are mainly used for image processing and object detection.
  • And many more such as RBFNs, GANs, Modular NN, etc.

Activation Function

Loss Function

  • The loss function tells us how good our model is at relating the input to the output.
  • A function that will be optimized to improve the performance of the model.
  • The cost value is the difference between the neural nets predicted output and the actual output from a set of labeled training data.
  • The choice of loss function is based on the task.
  • Examples include

Optimizer Function
