Coding a Tensor Flow
General Steps
- Load the neural network packages
- Read in the data
- Divide the data into a training set and a test set.
- Preprocess the data
- Design the Network Model
- Train the model
- Apply the model to the test data
- Display the results
1. Load Keras Packages
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras import layers
from tensorflow.keras.utils import to_categorical
2. Read in the Data
import numpy as np
data_file = 'Data/cancer_data.csv'
target_file = 'Data/cancer_target.csv'
cancer_data=np.loadtxt(data_file,dtype=float, delimiter=',')
cancer_target=np.loadtxt(target_file, dtype=float, delimiter=',')
3. Split the Data
from sklearn import model_selection
test_size = 0.30
seed = 7
train_data, test_data, train_target, test_target = model_selection.train_test_split(cancer_data,cancer_target, test_size=test_size, random_state=seed)
4. Pre-process the Data
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
scaler = StandardScaler()
# Fit only to the training data
# Now apply the transformations to the data:
x_train = scaler.transform(train_data)
x_test = scaler.transform(test_data)
# Convert the classes to 'one-hot' vector
y_train = to_categorical(train_target, num_classes=2)
y_test = to_categorical(test_target, num_classes=2)
5. Define the Model
def define_model():
from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Dropout
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import SGD
model = keras.Sequential([
layers.Dense(30, activation="relu"),
layers.Dense(60, activation="relu"),
layers.Dense(2, activation="softmax")
model.compile(optimizer="rmsprop", loss="binary_crossentropy", metrics=["accuracy"])
model = define_model()
7.Fit the Model
b_size = int(.8*x_train.shape[0])
num_epochs = 20, y_train, epochs=num_epochs, batch_size=b_size)
8.Apply the Model to Test Data
predictions = np.argmax(model.predict(x_test), axis=-1)
9.Evaluate the Results
score = model.evaluate(x_test, y_test, batch_size=b_size)
print('\nAccuracy: %.3f' % score[1])
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
print(confusion_matrix(test_target, predictions))
Activity: TensorFlow Program
Make sure that you can run the TensorFlow code: 04_TensorFlow.ipynb